Ferndale Kimballs

The mental wanderings of our three children

Saturday, May 19, 2007

I only needed one clue to know that movie was about cars. Cars.

Gabe: I only needed three clues to know that movie was about the teenage mutunt ninja turtles: swords, turtles, and pizza.

Friday, May 18, 2007

I think that's a present for mommy and daddy

Dad: Today is Ruby's birthday. Let's get her a birthday present.

Eva: Yeah! Let's get her a shock collar!

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Well, in that case, I'd like you to mess up your room every morning before breakfast

Dad opens door to Gabe's room

Gabe: Dad! Don't mess up my room!

Dad: I'm not even sure how that would be possible.

Gabe: I mean, like, don't put anything away.

Monday, May 14, 2007

And it's way cheaper than a shrink to boot

Gabe: When I'm feeling discouraged, I just go up to my room, take out all my tinkertoys, and work it out in my mind. Then I'm OK.

Saturday, May 12, 2007

None for me, thank you.

Gabe: Let's try this recipe.

Mom: Stuffed squash with bulgar and feta?

Eva: Boogers and feta! Boogers and feta! Boogers and feta!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

No uncles were harmed in the making of this post

Eva: Uncle Mikey? Do you want to play that game where I put poison in your eyes and you run around like crazy?

Uncle Mike: Umm. . . no, thanks.

Friday, May 04, 2007

If eating ice cream is wrong, then I don't want to be right.

Dad: Gabe, why are you eating your ice cream under the table?

Gabe: Because ice cream is so good you can eat it anywhere. And I mean ANYWHERE. Even in a dungeon.

It's true, I swear it

Gabe: Fireball!

Eva: Iceball!

Levi: Meatball!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Vanquishing evil in the name of truth, justice, and delicious pasta

Gabe: I'm the great Ares!

Eva: I'm princess rescuer!

Gabe(pointing at Levi): He's mister meatball. He shoots meatballs out of his hands.