Ferndale Kimballs

The mental wanderings of our three children

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

I've seen so many ads about helping others, I almost forgot it was about materialism

Gabe: I've seen so many inflatable snowmen, I almost forgot Christmas was about Jesus!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

It's that crazy new math (first posted on 5/25/06)

Gabe: Eva, what color is this?

Eva: Green!

Gabe: No, that's yellow. What color is this?

Eva: Green!

Gabe: No, that's blue. What color is this?

Eva: Number 18!

Gabe: Ummm, no, that's red.

Friday, December 01, 2006

His superpower must be reading in the dark.

Eva: Spiderman loves me and kisses me and reads me stories. And he's in my tummy.