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SUBJ: FIRSTNAME, free book: this link method brought in $21,111


I just got an interesting email from Chad Kimball
(a guy on my list) about a $21K link method he "invented".

All he did was apply the method to ONE of his websites,
and a few months later it had made him exactly $21,111
(screenshot of his bank account:

I did a little research and discovered that Chad didn't
exactly "invent" the idea. It was first introduced by
Michael Campbell in a $79 ebook
(which you can get for FREE below).

It gives you powerful, step by step detail on creating
websites that outrank all competitors for high traffic
phrases. (This is not NORMAL SEO)

I encourage you to get it and read the whole thing.



In a couple days Chad is releasing a unique twist to
Michael's method. A "Turbo" twist.

Chad's technique gets you PR6 on a
site that you own within 3 or 4 days!

(Using Michael's method combined with Chad's "tweak")

It enables you to build sites that IMMEDIATELY
have pagerank of 3,4,5, and even PR 6!!

But I'll save that for later.

You can now get the ebook for free here:

It is a crucial foundation for understanding the method
which Chad will release in a couple days via online video.
I've seen his videos, and the idea he has come up with
is really incredible.

Get it for free, and read it!


P.S. (You have to give your email address to Michael
in order to get the book, but it is highly worth it.
I've been on his list for years!)


SUBJ: FIRSTNAME, secret clickbank loophole


Chad (the guy I emailed about with the $21,111 link method)
just emailed me. He's releasing the videos that describe
this link method tomorrow.

But, Check out this Clickbank LOOPHOLE

Chad is actually releasing these videos using a new
technique that will enable him to dominate clickbank
with this product very quickly.

You can read the full technique for free here (5 minute read):

Stay tuned tomorrow for the link to
Chad's full $21,000 link videos.


Click Here to Generate Your Clickbank Hoplink
(then insert in the email below)

SUBJ: $21,111 Link Technique Videos! (and a clickbank loophole update)


Here are the "21K link system" videos I've been
emailing you about the last couple days.

These videos outline, step by step, a system that
can make you a quick $21,111 on a single niche site.

I've personally purchased this course and it is well worth it.


Also, the clickbank loophole he is using during
this product release has gotten him a #4 rank
in the clickbank marketplace!

I don't know how long he'll leave these videos
up, so grab them now while you can: